
It’s always exciting when two people decide to get married and choosing where to be married is an important decision to take.  We are delighted when a couple enquire about getting married at St James’ Church or Holy Trinity Church and it is a joy and privilege to be able to help them plan for this very special day, which marks the beginning of this new and exciting phase of their relationship.

In the Parish of Whaley Bridge, we want to offer couples who have a special connection with Whaley Bridge a marriage service in one of our lovely churches. (St James’ is the more traditional village church and has bells, which are usually rung at weddings.)

  • We welcome any couple who lives in our parish, who worships with us, or who has another qualifying connection.

(Establishing a ‘qualifying connection’ is usually quite easy. The Church of England website - - offers helpful guidance about what this means and gives lots of other helpful advice too.)

If you have been married before this is not necessarily a barrier.

How to apply to get married

  • Ring Rev Frances on 01663 732724 to plan a time to meet to fill in the legal forms and start getting to know one another.

  • If the Parish of Whaley Bridge isn’t your home parish, you will need to organise the reading of the banns of marriage in your home Church of England parish church(es) and let us have the certificate, so that the wedding can take place. Don’t worry – you’ll be guided through this process nearer the time but have a look at for further details.

  • Nearer the date of your wedding, Rev Frances will meet with you again to help you prepare for the big day.

  • A few days before the wedding, we have a rehearsal at which we walk through the service with your best man, bridesmaids, ushers and parents. This is to help you feel comfortable with the arrangements.

Service of Blessing and Renewal of Marriage Vows

If you are interested in having a Service of Blessing after a civil marriage or would like a Renewal of Marriage Vows please contact Rev Frances to discuss.